Saturday, April 30, 2011

On Roman political advertising--could it be helpful today?

            A few weeks ago, while researching a topic, I ran into a fact that I had not previously.  I was already aware that, under the Old Testament law, there were clearly two tithes upon b’nai yesrael, and possibly there was a third, voluntary, one-third of a tithe, or tithe every third year, or, in other words, 20% or 23 1/3%.  What I just recently learned was that, in Jesus’ day, the rabbis had decreed a limit that one was not to give more than 40% of one’s income.  The reason for this was that they were in the Roman Empire, and an early form of political advertising in Rome was for a person who wished to gain public office to give large sums to pay for public works projects.
            As much as I must be critical of things the Empire did which has had a lasting, unscriptural effect upon the believers of Jesus, maybe they had a useful idea.  Given the problems with the U.S. and local governments are having with paying for things that they are expected to cover, we would be better off if the laws and regulations of the country could be changed such that it would be to the benefit of candidates to, instead of spending huge amounts of money to besiege those of us not running with large amounts of advertising consisting of obvious pieces of half-truths and twisted logic, spend that money on things we all need.  I can just picture the interstates and other major roads named for the candidates in the last election in trade for some of that money spent to irritate everyone instead going to maintaining those roads.  Yes, I know, the tv and radio stations are complaining having to sell those political ads all the way to the bank.  As with most obvious ideas, it is too simple and beneficial to have any chance.
            This week, my family is doing the Neilsen book thing.  I, as many males, am a inveterate channel flipper.  Further, I did more physical work today than I have in weeks, so I was tired in the evening.  I happened to turn to JCTV music videos this evening, and saw a group called Rend Collective Experience, who have a CD named Organic Family Hymnal.  Since I began being involved in HC/SC, the back of my mind’s eye has been watching for references to organic church.  After doing a little tracing the group on the net, I don’t know their intent in the use of the word “organic”, although, as they are from Northern Ireland, I know that the church is in a culturally different situation.  Either way, their music is different in a good way, as it hasn’t been processed to fit what the marketing people see as a trend.  One can find out more about their music at

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