On Phillipians 3:1-4:1
As I may have mentioned in one of the Simple Church
Minute commentaries (and I say may in that this is really a minor point),
verses were added to the New Testament by a printer named Robert Stephanaus in
1551 (a). This chapter shows the
randomness of how chapters were made, as 4:1 belongs in chapter 3, and these
notes treat it as such.
This chapter is referred to as a
digression; Paul, before and afterword, is writing on another theme, but
inserts this extended idea. This was not
an uncommon way of writing in Paul’s time.
Some unbelieving scholars build all kinds of ideas off this structure,
but it is not an example of anyone playing with the text over the centuries.
In verse 1, Paul states that he is
repeating himself. This is a principle
of all education—we learn by repetition.
“Finally” while normally used a synonym for “in conclusion” as in TEV,
can also, and here is, marking the beginning of a digression (b).
In verse 2, “dogs, evil doers,
mutilation”. Cynic philosophers, of whom
there were many, particularly in Tarsus ,
where Paul grew up, were called dogs.
Here, Paul uses it as a general derisive word. There were “Beware of Dog” signs in Rome in his day. “Mutilation (or “amputation”)” can refer to
circumcision or castration, and in the Greek the word is a word that sound
similar to the word for circumcision, thereby being a parody in sound (d). “Cutting oneself off”, as appears in
Galatians 5:12, can refer to castration or cutting oneself off of community.
In verse 3, Paul builds on this
point: “We are the circumcision” refers to being God’s Chosen People, and ties
to OT verses Dt. 10:16, 30:6, Lev. 26:41, Jer. 4:4, 9:25,26. Worshipping God in
the Spirit, in the Old Covenant, was connected to prophesying with musical
instruments, 1 Chron. 25:1-6. Jews of
that day would have maintained that didn’t happen anymore (an ironic comparison
to what many of the 20th century said about spiritual gifts). Paul elsewhere compares worshipping in the
Spirit to spiritual gifts. We must
remember that the people of surrounding beliefs thought of worship as a ritual
in a building, but Jesus and the apostles taught that worship was how a
believer lived one’s life.
Verses 4-11 are biographical of
Paul’s journey from Jewish zealot against believers in Jesus to apostle of
Verses 5 and 6 tells of Paul’s
qualifications (before Jesus) as far as obeying the Law. What we might miss is that this was the
Diaspora Jew’s confession of faith.
“Zeal” in that day did not imply violence, but the main examples in
Jewish history, Phineas in Num. 25:7-13, the Maccabees in the 160’s B.C., and
the Zealots contemporary to Paul’s time all exhibited violence as part of the
In Verse 7, Paul differentiates
between what a person holding to the Law counted as important verses a person
of the Spirit. Watchman Nee, in Release
of the Spirit, notes that, as, in the Greek, “pneuma” is always lower case, it
is oftentimes unclear whether a statement in the New Testament is referring to
a believer’s spirit or the Holy Spirit, and as we grow in faith, it should be
unclear as a practical manner. (c)
“Gain” and “loss” were marketplace, not spiritual, terms.
In verse 8, Paul mentions “rubbish”
or “dung” (KJV), which is something dogs eat, referring back to the “dogs”
comment in verse 2. “My” is a confession of faith—Jesus Christ my Lord. (d)
In 9, the conclusion is that the
righteousness of Jesus is sufficient, the righteousness of the Law is not.
10, “know” implies intimacy, although obviously not sexually, as the word is
sometimes used in the Old Testament, and that spiritual intimacy is
prerequisite to accepting the “fellowship” of his sufferings. This is not a stretch, as Ex. 33:13 shows
that the desire of the Old Covenant believer was “to know Him”. That reflected both the corporate covenant
and personal longing, which is analogous to the relationship to Jesus being
both personal salvation and to the spiritual group, the Bride of Christ.
Suffering preceding resurrection was part of Old Covenant belief, and
was an analogy to Jesus’ completion of that covenant.
13-14: “prize of the upward call”. In the ancient Olympics, the winner received
a palm branch, a symbolic prize of minimal earthly value. We are called to salvation, striving for the
goal, which he phrased previously as a) that I might win Christ (v. 8), be
found in Him (v. 9), that I may know Him
(v. 10), and I might attain the resurrection of the dead (v. 11). Athletic competition terms were often used as
an analogy by ancient moralists.
“Reaching forward to those things which are ahead” is analogous to
growing in faith and spiritual maturity, which is what the believer is called
to once one answers the call to faith in Jesus.
15: Corollary A: If we are wrong, the Spirit will reveal this
to you.
17: Corollary B: Mature believers
live as an example to younger believers.
Paul probably was dealing with the idea that some were prematurely
thinking they were perfect/mature already.
18-19: Many who would distract a believer walk in
the opposite of God’s way. Paul wrote
that their glory is their shame (an opposite).
“God is their belly” is a reference to “dogs” in verse 2, and then
“rubbish/dung” in verse 8. “Mind is on
earthly things”—Paul throughout this chapter uses words that to some degree
relate to each other, but also are different, to tie thoughts together. This is interesting when we note how Paul
discusses in _ how some in _ complained that he wasn’t a good speaker. “Weeping” shows love, but the description
shows outrage.
20: “Our citizenship is in
heaven”—that’s now, not, as Marx wrote in our age, “pie in the sky by and
by.” Unbelievers think we are hoping in
the future or have been socially persuaded, but the believer knows how God
changed things in out spirit at salvation.
“Citizenship” is a correct translation, and “conversation” (KJV) is
not. Keener notes that, unlike in Israel , most persons in the church in Philippi were Roman citizens, and assuredly those who
were the homeowners of where the church met, and, therefore, had a greater
degree of social acceptance than did the church in many other places. “Savior”—in Phillipi, the deities and the
emperor were referred to by this term.
Paul is making the contrast by stating what Jesus will do.
The Greeks considered the bodily resurrection of the dead to be vulgar.
4:1: “Crown”: to the Greeks, a reward for athletes (Paul is
making a tie in to what he said previously, again) and heroes; in Jewish
culture, a reward in heaven.
Barna and Viola,
Pagan Christianity, 228-229, referring to Geisler and Nix, A General
Introduction to the Bible: Revised and Expanded, 340-341, 451, Metzger and Coogan, The Oxford Companion to the Bible, 79.
Keener, The IVP
Bible Background Commentary—New Testament.
This work contributes to a comment on almost every verse in this
Watchman Nee,
Release of the Spirit, 20.
Davidson, Stibbs,
and Nevan, The New Bible Commentary, 1039.
I am not quoting this because I believe this to be an exceptional
commentary, but because it is one I happen to own.